Friday, June 29, 2007

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Excel - The great person - WisdomThe Kanji which united "央(ou)" which shows the sound of the meaning of "Kusakanmuri(Head parts of 英)" and the flower showing grass.
Only a flower blooms and it came to be used for the meaning of "beautiful" and "excelling" from the thing of a flower which a fruit does not attach.

The thing required in order to take a world more from ancient times is "英".
"英" has many implications.
For example, it is "wisdom".
The greatest arms that the great person has.
Occasionally any mighty military power can be broken down.
It reaches to an extreme of the "英", and those who were clothed are called "英雄(eiyuu)(hero)".
Many heroes are in the world.
If a Japanese samurai is observed, "織田信長(Nobunaga Oda)", "豊臣秀吉(Hideyoshi Toyotomi)", etc. will be famous.
He is the person who both is not only by arms, reached to an extreme of the "英", and unified Japan of the Age of Civil Wars.

Incidentally the hero in the inside of Masafumi of Magneto is "前田慶二(Keiji Maeda)".
He was an owner of the disposition are full of 漢気(otokogi), and was an expert of the japanese spear.
It is said that it was sometimes said frequently that the disadvantageous war situation was liked, it showed up in the enemy's line alone, and the war situation was turned.
He will be him if it is called a Japanese 歌舞伎者(kabukimono).

It returns to main subject, and although it is difficult, I want to see reaching to an extreme of "英" extremely.
How about aiming at your world for real "英" extremely?

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Masafumi Satake (Part: Design)
KONNICHIWA! The person who visited this site thinks that he is those who are more interested in Japan.
I am pleased, if the Japanese culture which we love is put even on the corner of your knowledge and can be obtained.
Come to check "How to use KANJI 4 U" from now on.

Naoya Maeda (Part: Writing)
I am glad this time to be able to lead each other to you through a KANJI of Japan.
Here, since many Japanese KANJI are introduced, Come How to use KANJI 4 U to play from now on.